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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Discovering Professional Writing

The Art of Professional Communication
Professional writing a form of communicating information – instructions, processes, and arguments, among other directives – to an audience in efforts to influence their decisions or actions. It is the literature of science, technology, and systems development, from journalism to advertising, copy writing, and other technical and nontechnical prose. This art of written communication depends on clear, concise language to express easily understood information to an intended audience.

Professional writing relates to the discipline of rhetoric, the act of persuading or informing readers to initiate an approach, in one direction or the other, while considering the measures in which the outcome will impact their existence. Careers and personal lives are affected by word choices and meanings, and empower audiences to bring into account their experiences, projections, and reluctance to embrace what is being advocated through written communication.

Complexities of Communicating to Audiences
Language in Translation
Language may not effectively translate across cultures, international borders, and genders. Therefore, one primary element of professional writing is to consider connotation and denotation in relation to the audience’s innate and developed belief systems, as well as traditions. Readers of communicative pieces are not necessarily located nationally or within an internal organization; global diversity exists. Colors, phrases, and images all suggest varying meanings in disparate parts of the world, in addition to vast nationalities. To appropriately address the target audience while delivering an intended message represents the complexity of professional prose.

Some commonalities, such as figurative language and idioms, are not particularly understood by every reader. Writing in non-English languages tends to be more formal than in English, and some languages rely heavily on passive voice (Weymouth 144). Documents translated in other languages pose special challenges. In translation or in a different cultural context, some words have insulting or negative connotations; for example, in certain cultures, “male” and “female” refer only to animals (Coe 17).

Humor, or lack thereof, also leaves room for messages to misconstrued data. Readers can find humor to be offensive in its approach to information exchange. In appropriate word choice, unforgiving jokes, and imprecise terms and phrases distract the audience interrupting flow and clarity. Although professional communication does not have to be uninteresting to be deemed instructional, credible, or informative, readers are unable to witness body language proposing humor. Avoiding the risk of alienating readers is achieved by focusing on inflections in tone and writing style rather than the use of comedy in written communication.

Experiences and Attitudes
Since audiences reflect upon their experiences and traditional construct when reviewing written communication, they also bring along with them biased attitudes. Our accumulated knowledge and experiences, beliefs and values, attitudes and roles – in other words, our cultures – shape us as individuals and differentiate us as a people. Cultures differ over which behaviors seen appropriate for social interaction, business relationships, contract negotiations, and communication practices (Lannon and Gurak 4-5). An imperative movement toward understanding the complexities of communicating with diverse audiences must concern itself with responding sensitively to global differences.

Tone can affect professional writers’ ineptness to relate information to audiences. When speaking to someone in person, expressions, body language, and other visual cues are signals for the listener – and the presenter. Each interacts with the other and has the opportunity to alter comments and vocal tones due to such indications. However when communicating through written language, words, data, diagrams, charts, and images do not enable visual or auditory clues. Professional writers must establish and maintain a “you” perspective, be polite and tactful, use plan English, and decide upon a strategic organizational layout for their work to manage information control of their documents to achieve proper tone (Lannon and Gurak 381-383).

Effective Communication and the Writer
In every industry, nearly every employee compose a professional document, whether an e-mail, a memorandum, or a proposal. However, some highly skilled communicators choose professional writing as a full-fledged career. Fields including marketing and advertising, medicine and health care, academia, law, and so forth, rely on qualified writers to converse with audiences (Lannon and Gurak 5-6). Foremost, successful effective professional writers determine their: 
  • Purpose for Writing/Intended Message
  • Target Audience
  • Possible Counterarguments
  • Writing Style 
Purpose for Writing/Intended Message
Professional writers deliver information related to internal/external policies, services or products, financial operations, organizational progress, among other pertinent news. They work with personnel and executives to conclude the information to be presented and how it would be used (Sims 2-3). Once the initial motivation is defined, professional writers are plagued with: 
  • Gathering facts or statistic that should be included within the document.
  • Determining if the document should exhibit more visuals – diagrams, charts, and images – rather than statements.
  • Realizing information that should be emphasized rather than passively addressed.  

Analyzing the Audience
Professional writers must keep in mind their target audience, whether they are writing for the majority or for the minority. In other words, they identify readers who will be in the position to enforce a decision or promote an action. Writers also ascertain backgrounds and experiences readers have, as well as the audience’s level of expertise of the subject matter, and a multitude of other impacting factors (Sims 4-7).

When trying to persuade the general public within predetermined demographics to purchase a product, writers often use cues and visuals, in addition to verbiage from a particular era. These cues serve as manipulations and promote a sense of nostalgia to influence an audience’s decision or action.

Professional writers who need to communicate good or bad news to employees – from hourly to lower management – usually produce e-mail, memos, or short letters to be distributed internally. Yet to provide explanations to executive teams and external partners, writers tend to delve deeper in more confidential data from company records. They perform in-depth research to collect specifics, alter industry language/jargon, and procedure with more formal documents related to operational strategies (Lannon and Gurak 53-56). 

Because writers are tasked with modifying what is being presented and the measures they employ to present information, it is essential to understand individual audiences in order to utilize motivational techniques to acquire desired results in support of their writings.
Possible Counterarguments
Effective written communicators consider an audience’s level of skepticism about an issue (Lannon and Gurak 583). Professional writers place attempts to think as their audience and formulate questions such as: 
  • Why should a customer purchase product from Company A when Company B is less expensive?
  • How will adding the expense of hiring and training new personnel benefit efficiency – and increase revenue?
  • Will productivity improve if the company purchases the new equipment? If so, what will be the projected improvement?
  • If the grant is approved, how will the funds be used and in what ways will local communities benefit?
  • Which numbers listed represent third-quarter growth? 
Professional writers determine counterarguments during the research phase, gather data to answer inquiries, and coordinate cumulative documents to proactively address those doubts. They are constantly thinking ahead to prevent delayed process implementations or sales strategies that could take effect immediately.
Writing Style
Once preliminary SME collaboration and initial research has been conducted, the writing stage commences. Successful professional writers coordinate an indirect or direct approach to deliver to their intended audiences. This stage comprises an introduction with brief background leading to the subject matter, a message, argument, or proposal, advantages or disadvantages, costs and statistics, previous methods attempted, and other relative factors.

They provide supporting evidence through ethical, clear, concise language catering to their audience and perspective to the industries for which they write. Professional writers take great measures to make certain statements are not choppy, unordered, or too wordy, which eliminates waste and additional printing expenses (Rude 382). They also ensure documents are visually appealing, including white space, headings, and fonts and sizes that enhance readability and flow (Rude 115-116).

Editing is usually the final phase to the writing process. Professional writers evaluate semi-final copies followed by reorganizing sections, and in many cases, submittal to a secondary department for final edit (Rude 240).  Afterward, audiences are then able to analyze the information presented to formulate a decision, initiate an action, and occasionally, both.

Works Cited
Rude, Carolyn, D. Technical Editing. New York: Longman, 2002. Print

Lannon, John M. and Laura J. Gurak. Technical Communication. New York: Longman, 2011. Print.

Blake, Gary and Robert W. Bly. The Elements of Technical Writing. New York: Macmillan. Print.

Sims, Brenda R., Technical Writing. Dallas: University of Texas Press, 1995. Print.

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